University of Queensland


     昆士兰州的第一所综合型大学,始建于1910年,是澳大利亚最大最有声望的大学之一,也是昆士兰洲成立最早的大学。昆大是被誉为"澳大利亚常青藤名校"的Group of Eight联盟(澳洲八大名校联盟)成员之一,同时也是世界21大学联盟(UNIVERSITAS 21)成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前三名,在学博士生的人数最多。2009年TIMES最新世界排名41, 2010年美国《美国新闻和世界报道》(USNWR),和英国QS最新世界排名43。
    昆士兰大学有五十多年接收国际学生的经验,目前有来自全球超过135个国家和地区的8000多名国际留学生。随着学校的不断发展和教学内容的不断丰富,拥有三个校区(圣鲁西亚校区St Lucia、伊普斯里其校区Ipswich和加顿校区Gatton)的昆士兰大学甚至可以根据学生的个人需求,帮助学生制订个人化的课程安排,使学生在这所国际化的大学里拥有一段有价值而愉快的人生经历。


    英语学习。若申请人未达到以上的雅思成绩,可申请在大学的对外英语及职业培训学院(Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education)注册上课。该学院的课程包括:一般英语、学术英语、英语交流技能高级课程、国际商务英语、以及大学预备英语等。


» Dentistry
» Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
» Human Movement Studies
» Medicine
» Pharmacy
» Military and Veterans' Health
» Population Health
» Healthy Communities Research Centre
» Indigenous Health
» National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology
» Nursing and Midwifery
» UQ Centre for Clinical Research
» Youth Substance Abuse


The Faculty of Health Sciences is a world leader in health education and research. More than $300 million is being invested in new infrastructure providing state-of-the-art facilities, such as the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence and Australia's largest tertiary oral health centre which is due to open in 2012.

Postgraduate programs
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Indigenous Health
view all majors (4 others)
Master of Health Economics
Health and Development
view all majors (1 other)
Master of Health Economics (Advanced)
Health and Development
view all majors (1 other)
Master of Public Health (#16)
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Indigenous Health
view all majors (4 others)
Master of Public Health (#24)
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Indigenous Health
view all majors (4 others)
Master of Mental Health
Community Mental Health
view all majors (4 others)
Graduate Certificate in Health Sciences
Health Services Management
view all majors (4 others)
Graduate Certificate in International Public Health
Graduate Diploma in International Public Health
Master of International Public Health (#16)
Master of International Public Health (#24)
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
Graduate Certificate in eHealthcare
Graduate Diploma in e-Healthcare
Master of e-Healthcare
Graduate Certificate in Health Economics
Graduate Certificate in Mental Health
Graduate Diploma in Health Economics
Master of Health Sciences
Master of Mental Health Nursing
Master of Applied Psychology
view all majors (2 others)
Doctor of Psychology
Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
view all majors (3 others)
Graduate Certificate in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Studies
Public Health
Graduate Certificate in Nursing
Children and Young People's Health
Primary Healthcare Nursing
view all majors (4 others)
Graduate Certificate in Social Work
Mental Health
Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies
Tropical Animal Health and Production
view all majors (1 other)
Graduate Diploma in Governance and Public Policy
Public Health
view all majors (3 others)
Graduate Diploma in Nursing
Children and Young People's Health
Primary Health Care Nursing
view all majors (4 others)
Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Studies
Tropical Animal Health and Production
view all majors (1 other)
Master of Governance and Public Policy
Public Health
view all majors (3 others)
Master of Nurse Practitioner Studies
Mental Health Nursing
Young People's Health
view all majors (4 others)
Master of Nursing
Children and Young People's Health
Primary Health Care Nursing
view all majors (4 others)
Master of Social Work #16
Mental Health
view all majors (3 others)
Master of Social Work (#24)
Mental Health
view all majors (4 others)
Master of Veterinary Studies
Tropical Animal Health and Production
view all majors (1 other)
Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics
Graduate Certificate in Midwifery
Graduate Diploma of Biostatistics
Master of Biostatistics (#16)
Master of Biostatistics (#24)
Master of Midwifery
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (#24)
Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology (#40)
Master of Counselling
Master of Occupational Therapy Studies
Graduate Certificate in Food Studies
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design
Graduate Certificate in Magnetic Resonance Technology
Graduate Diploma in Food Studies
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Graduate Diploma in Interaction Design
Master of Audiology Studies
Master of Dietetics Studies
Master of Food Studies (#16)
Master of Food Studies (#24)
Master of Information Technology
Master of Interaction Design
Master of Physician Assistant Studies
Master of Physiotherapy Studies
Master of Speech Pathology Studies
Undergraduate programs
How to apply (international)
For undergraduate programs
Please click on the appropriate link for entry procedures for:
* international students currently completing year 12 in Australia
* international students wishing to study at UQ for only one or two semesters as a Study Abroad student
* international students wishing to study at UQ for only one or two semesters as an Exchange student
Procedures for all other international undergraduate students
If you are an international student, not currently studying year 12 in Australia, and would like to apply for a bachelor, bachelor honours or a short-term study program at UQ, these are the steps to take:
1.If you have not already chosen your program, use the Courses and programs website. Should you require further information about your study program please complete an online enquiry form.
Please make sure you completely understand all of the entry requirements before you apply to UQ.
2.Apply directly to the University by downloading and completing the hard copy International student application for undergraduate studies form (PDF)
You will need to provide:
* Documents* to satisfy any program prerequisites as outlined in courses and programs
* Certified copies** of all transcripts of results, award certificates, grading systems, and translations (if required). See section 8 of the hard copy application form
* If from a non-English speaking country, proof of English language proficiency. See also section 5 of the hard copy application form
* An application fee of AUD$100. See section 6 of the hard copy application form

3.When you have completed the hard copy application form you will need to submit it to either an authorised International Education Representative or return it to UQ International Admissions Section (IAS) via email: applicationstatus@uq.edu.au, or mail to:
UQ International Level 2, JD Story Building
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland, 4072
4.Your application will be assessed by the International Admissions Section (IAS) who will inform you by email of the outcome of your application.
For enquiries about the status of your application, send an email to: applicationstatus@uq.edu.au. Please include your full name, address and UQ student ID (if known).
Application deadlines
It is strongly recomended that applications be submitted no later than:


Semester 1

Semester 2

Category 1 and 2 countries

November 15 of the previous year

May 15 of the same year

Category 3 and 4 countries

October 15 of the previous year

April 15 of the same year

Some programs have an earlier closing date. To find out if an earlier deadline applies, go to the information for the specific program on www.uq.edu.au/study and review the closing date information.
Fees and costs (international)
Expenses to be considered include:
tuition fees
visa and medical (predeparture) fees
general living expenses
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
return airfares