省内某医院普外科副主任医生Z医生在我公司团队的协助下顺利拿到了美国明尼苏达大学医学院Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery of Department of Surgery的邀请信,她将在该中心进行为期半年的临床观摩学习,掌握最新的结直肠癌的手术治疗技能及该领域的发展动态。
Groundbreaking medical research and discoveries. Unparalleled teaching resources. Innovative patient care. Founded in 1888, The University of Minnesota Medical School is where these three elements meet to produce some of the most well-prepared health professionals in Minnesota and beyond. In fact, we currently provide nearly 70% of the state's health professionals.
Today, our world-class medical researchers are poised to make major discoveries in areas like diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer.