省内某医学院神经外科专业研究生L同学在我公司工作团队的协助下顺利拿到了美国圣约瑟夫医疗中心(St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center)贝洛神经医学研究所(Barrow Neurological Institute, BNI)的邀请信。她将参加贝洛神经医学研究所的神经外科访问学者项目(Visiting Scholar Program in Neurosurgery),在贝洛神经医学研究所进行为期一年的访问学习。
About Barrow Neurological Institute
Barrow Neurological Institute of St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona, is internationally recognized as a leader in neurological research and patient care.
Barrow treats patients with a wide range of neurological conditions, including brain and spinal tumors, cerebrovascular conditions, and neuromuscular disorders. Barrow's clinicians and researchers are devoted to providing excellent patient care and finding better ways to treat neurological disorders.
另附全美最佳医院 2010–2011 神经科-神经外科排名
1. Johns Hopkins Hospital(约翰霍普金斯医院)
2. Mayo Clinic(梅奥医学中心)
3. Massachusetts General Hospital(麻省综合医院)
4. New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell
5. University of California, San Francisco Medical Center(加州大学旧金山医学中心)
6. Cleveland Clinic(克里夫兰医学中心)
7. Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center(加州大学洛杉矶分校里根医疗中心)
8. St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center (圣约瑟夫医疗中心)
9. NYU Langone Medical Center (纽约大学郎赣医学中心)
10. Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University